What I learned building a Gatsby plugin to source my collection of board games through BoardGameGeek's API.
On this site there's a page where you can see my
collection of board games. The data comes from
my BoardGameGeek profile
is a Gatsby source plugin I built and open
sourced following Gatsby's official
documentation on creating a source plugin.
Here are two things I wish I didn't have to find out after hours of debugging: how to write the plugin entirely in Typescript, and how to fix an Invariant Violation error.
I got off the ground very quickly, and I thought that's it, I'm done, v1.0.0 is ready to go out.
I built a few helper functions to download data with from the
external API, and I set up the plugin to pull images from the
remote location so they could be optimized with the
, rather than hotlinked.
And here started my troubles: every time I tried to build the site without clearing the cache, the process would fail with an Invariant Violation error.
To make sense of this error, I first rewrote every remaining bit
of JavaScript in Typescript, and later figured out I was missing
an important parameter when calling createRemoteFileNode
How to write the entire plugin in Typescript
Gatsby in my experience is not the most Typescript friendly framework, and the guide to build a source plugin follows suit and doesn't mention Typescript. It is possible though to build Gatsby plugins in Typescript. I just wish I knew it sooner.
In Gatsby source plugins, it's important that your package
contains a gatsby-node.js
file in the root directory.
I initially wrote my gatsby-node.js
in JavaScript, importing my
functions from the build directory after transpiling all
Typescript files.
I wasn't happy with this structure as functions in
are not well documented and I don't like
mindlessly copy-pasting stuff. In the end I managed to port
everything to gatsby-node.ts
Here's how I set up the file structure:
├── dist/
│ ├── gatsby-node.js
│ └── index.js
├── gatsby-node.js
├── src/
│ ├── gatsby-node.ts
│ └── index.ts
├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json
└── yarn.lock
As you can see, I still have gatsby-node.js
at the root of the
package, but it simply imports and exports again the required
const {
} = require("./dist/gatsby-node");
exports.sourceNodes = sourceNodes;
exports.onCreateNode = onCreateNode;
exports.createSchemaCustomization = createSchemaCustomization;
You can find the full source in the repo.
Invariant Violation
I wish I could find the solution to the next error on Google, maybe now it'll show up.
I was happy with my plugin. I published it to the npm registry. I added it to my site. I built once, smooth sailing. I built twice and encoutered this error:
Missing onError handler for invocation 'building-schema', error was 'Invariant Violation: Encountered an error trying to infer a GraphQL type for:
. There is no corresponding node with theid
field matching: "[...list of > IDs]"'
It would occur every time I tried to build my site without
clearing Gatsby's .cache
folder first.
The solution is pretty simple and is actually correctly implemented in Gatsby's docs (which I now realize I should've read more carefully).
When creating a node that contains images, you'll want to pull a
local copy of all remote images instead of simply storing the
URL. This allows you to perform transformations and optimizations
at build time using gatsby-plugin-image
. To do so you'll want
to use createRemoteFileNode
from gatsby-source-filesystem
As of right now in gatsby-source-filesystem
v3.7.1, these are
the arguments you can pass to createRemoteFileNode
// From gatsby-source-filesystem's source code https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/blob/54d4721462b9303fed723fdcb15ac5d72e103778/packages/gatsby-source-filesystem/index.d.ts
export interface CreateRemoteFileNodeArgs {
url: string;
store: Store;
// TODO: use GatsbyCache type (requires [email protected])
cache: NodePluginArgs["cache"];
createNode: Function;
createNodeId: Function;
parentNodeId?: string;
auth?: {
htaccess_user: string;
htaccess_pass: string;
httpHeaders?: object;
ext?: string;
name?: string;
reporter: object;
I had mistakenly left out parentNodeId
, which led to the error
above as between builds the cached images would lose their
relationship to their parent node.
I was once again bailed out by Typescript, and now the package seems to be free of bugs. If you check it out, let me know!