A walkthrough of minimal implementation of a virtualized list component in React
Hi, I'm Tommaso a full stack engineer based in Amsterdam
I'm interested in frontend technologies, UX/UI design, board games, pizza, and more!
I'm currently working for FLYR.
A walkthrough of minimal implementation of a virtualized list component in React
A short guide on how to ingest data in Starrocks using Parquet files
Some of the things I learned while migrating the frontend monorepo at FLYR from Lerna to Nx and how to make the most out of this setup without Nx Cloud.
Triptease is a cutting-edge music experiment performed by Topper, Jacopo, Francesco and Hugo. One musical apparatus which regenerates its anatomy on the progression of the beat.
A platform for real-time fantasy football auctions
The one stop service provider for the 21st century producer.
Corporate website for Fregi e Majuscole, an editorial services firm based in Torino, Italy.
This very same site
Generate React styled components with TailwindCSS without relying on a CSS-in-JS library or Babel macros
A Webpack plugin to output Django static tags with html-webpack-plugin
Gatsby source plugin for pulling game collections from BoardGameGeek
A Django app to use RediSearch as a search backend in Wagtail